Things always push us to change, and we got to accept it.
Time flies, it’s the last day of 2024 today already. I still remember the momment at last year, Xuxu and I waited for the new year countdown in the Causeway Bay Sea Front, and enjoyed the astonished firework in the Victoria Harbour when entering 2024. Xuxu is back from US now, today we will cross the new year in Shenzhen Dayun.
2024 is the second year of my Ph.D. programe. I was emerged in the curiousity to science research and happiness life in Hong Kong with Xuxu’s accompany at the first couple of months. It’s changed when Xuxu received her Ph.D. offer from Michigan State University (MSU) at 15th, Apr. I was very happy for her that she could pursue her research dream as a Ph.D student in the first few days, while began felt anxious afterwards. I was deem that we will stay at Paul Yee mansion during my whole Ph.D. programe, but things always pushes us to change
. I got to find a room-mate and move my house, and prepare accompany Xuxu to MSU, both physicaly and psychologically. Things went well, I found an room-mate, Xuxu and I succssfully arrived MSU at 9th, Aug. I backed to Hong Kong 1 week after, and started to prepare my graduation project.
I moved to Shenzhen Dayun to process data of my graduaton project cuz there are better computation resources in the Chinese University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen (CUHKSZ). I rent a house in Shenzhen Dayun, and came to Yongfei’s research group. It’s never easy to fit in a totally new environment. I was have lot of arrogant when first came here as a person with a B.Sc. degree from Nankai-Uni and M.Phil. degree from HKU, and an on-going PhD programe in HKU. I do leart a lot from Prof. Yongfei, on reaching out to people for data collection and analyzing data in new angles.